Toxicological and Hazmat Life Support - Asia Pacific Edition 2015 (THLS-AP 2015)

Toxicological and Hazmat Life Support Asia Pacific Edition 2015
06/08/2016 to 07/08/2016

Principle and reasons

Hazardous material incidents are growing threats of the modern society in developing countries, where industrial and agricultural chemicals are extensively utilized. Unlike other fields of clinical medicine, the medical care of hazardous material incident victims need specific and crucial considerations, for example, hazardous material contaminations to personnel, equipment and facilities. Failure to take these factors into account may result in complicated operations and loss of lives. Health care providers in such situations must be familiar with the preparedness for the incidents, operation with contaminated mass casualty and operation in the personal protective equipment.

This 2-day course is designed to provide practicing physicians and nurses with an evidence-based knowledge regarding management of toxicological patients who were exposed to hazardous chemical substances. The content of the course include knowledge about important toxic substances in Asia-Pacific area and their antidotes, hazardous material exposures and management of mass casualty with toxic exposure.

The course is given by Clinical Toxicologists and is composed of a series of didactic lectures, simulation-based training, joint-operation training with Poison Center, hand-on practice, interactive case studies and field demonstration.

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